Still alive, need to write things

Alli Grant Est. 1 minutes (175 words)

Okay, so, anyway. Sure didn’t see every single major platform exploding in the last year, but here we are. Geez, even having to move some of my stuff to a different registrar, seriously, didn’t expect that one.

At some point in the not too distant future I suppose I’ll be updating social media links, and I’m also going to put together actual descriptions on how to run a static site generator and maybe something about RSS as well. I’ve had a good RSS post in the past, so I should be able to just update that…

Might be a bit silly, but it seems like a good idea. Not to encourage everyone to move to Neocities or something, though honestly, it wouldn’t be the worst thing for the world. It’s a great onboard to other static site hosting, especially if you’re not using images.

Also working on: